Last Revised: March 17, 2023
The SLJ is double-blind peer reviewed.
Rules for Eligibility: For a paper to be published in the SLJ the author(s) must be pay the conference fee for the current year. Manuscripts must be submitted by email (one original and one blind copy) to SALSB , Diana Brown at Manuscripts should scrupulously conform to the formatting and style rules available on this website.
Publication Rules:
- The author warrants that the work submitted is original and not previously published. Simultaneous submission to other journals is permitted providing the SLJ is so advised, and the SLJ is promptly informed if the work is accepted for publication elsewhere.
- Papers should be between 5,000 and 20,000 words including footnotes. This is between 10 and 35 pages, single-spaced with 12 point text and 10 point notes (see SLJ Style Sheet available at this site). The typical published article is about 10,000 words (17 pages).
- Topics should be related to business law or the ethical/regulatory environment of business. Pedagogical pieces are welcome. Book Reviews of scholarly books (not textbooks) are welcome as well. If you wish to review a book, please contact Diana Brown at for guidelines.
Best Paper Award: Each year an article published in the SLJ will be chosen as “Best Paper” by the SLJ advisory editors.
Presenting a paper at the SALSB Annual Conference does not constitute submission for publication in the SLJ. Authors who present at the conference, however, are strongly encouraged to submit to the SLJ. It is anticipated that in any given year, most of the articles in the SLJ will have been presented at the annual conference, and conference presentation is preferred. There is no published conference proceeding.
For further information, please contact:
Diana Brown, Editor
Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business
Sam Houston State University